Boston Band Crush Archived Article: Video Crush: Hallelujah the Hills performs on top of a mountain…

This article originally appears on Boston Band Crush ). Why yes, it’s Hallelujah the Hills performing on top of a mountain for the web series: Number One Jams.

Their last few tour dates this week:
11/18 – Ursinus College, PA
11/19 – NY NY @ The Cake Shop
11/21 – Allston, MA @ Great Scott.  Opening for Times New Viking.

They’ve also got a bunch of tour video footage coming our way soon and have left us with this tasty quote:

“This morning a Virginia policeman forced us to sing one of our songs while he waited on our background checks to come through.  He proceeded to pop-and-lock breakdance while this happened.  There is video of this and you’re all going to realize we’re not exaggerating when you behold it.”