The Motion Sick: Whirlwind of Rock: DC, CT, and Cambridge, MA

I am just beginning the healing process after a series of 3 shows in 3 days.

As always, a variety of nonsensical videos are available here.

On Saturday, we played in Washington, DC at The Grog and Tankard. It was an interesting room with a shallow setup, but kind of a cool vibe. It’s in the nice part of town and we had a fun time. We were on super early, so the place wasn’t exactly full, but our friend Pia did an awesome job recruiting friends. She made the whole thing fun for us and then took us on over to a nearby bar called Breadsoda.

We got a little lost on the way to Breadsoda, but met some friendly people on the street who helped guide us. Samantha, our new GPS – who Sony should be paying us for using and plugging (you reading this Lisa?), didn’t have the place in her directory because it’s too new.

We sat outside at Breadsoda and had a relaxing chat about books, movies, and other fine topics. I got to know some of Pia’s friends including the one she affectionately refers to as “The Tall Guy.” They were all totally awesome people and it was an all-around fine time. As the night progressed, PJ, as in Pamela Jean, decided to rib a fellow walking by in a striped polo shirt. She yelled, “nice shirt!” and laughed a bit. He walked away without responding. About ten minutes later, he returned and started yelling at Matt and Travis for making fun of his shirt (they, of course, hadn’t said a thing to him) and called us all “fucking hipsters.” We sort of sat there puzzled by the whole thing, but also sort of amused. His friends shook their heads, giggled, and dragged him back inside. It put kind of an amusing cap on the night.

We woke up the next day and hung out with Pia, Aaron, PJ, and Annie for a while before heading off to the fine town of Danbury, CT.

We arrived in Danbury at Cousin Larry’s. We rocked the Sunday night with our buddy H (video of his set on our video page) and our formerly of-Boston pals Sarianna and the Swell. It was awesome fun except for the moment where we were playing “Grace Kelly” and I looked up and saw 6 TVs, each with a different show on. I started wondering, “what are all these shows?” Then, I realized I had already failed to sing one line and had no clue where we were in the song. Whoops!

Our visit to Danbury:

A couple of related photos.

We returned to Boston for some excitement. We had an interview with Ryan’s Smashing Life, which was a fun time. Ryan was an awesome guy and asked a lot of great, insightful questions, particularly about some of the content and sources of the lyrics. Just as we were getting up to leave the 1369 Coffee House at the end of the interview, our song “The Most Beautiful Dead Girl” came on. It was kind of surreal.

We hopped on over to TT’s. We were lucky to have Joel Simches doing sound for us. He definitely made the place sound good! We played really well and rocked our short set. Patrick mangled himself on the guitar. I got only a pretty poor photo of the injury, but here it is:

Our pal Kelly Davidson, who we met in Austin, took some of the best live photos of us ever yet taken. I will post those in another post shortly along with some fab video by Sophia. I will also post all of the video I got of Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. They were awesome and nice, as were Ha Ha Tonka. All around, a fun and successful show!

Also, this weekend, Travis learned his lesson…