The Motion Sick: Girl Talk and collage music…

The new Girl Talk album is available for whatever price you choose (including $0.00) at: . I really enjoyed the last record and, although I’ve not been active lately, I was involved in doing a lot of music along the same lines a while back…

M-sli©k da ninjA may or may not be me, depending on who you ask. Just don’t ask Shinobi Tom. I may or may not have been involved in The Droplift Project and Dictionaraoke (and my Britney Spears dictionaraoke may or may not have been featured on TechTV). I also may or may not have just eventually given up on working on things and thrown together a “best of” collection of songs made for my alleged radio show:

I also may or may not be still perpetually working on one final grand secret ninjA project…