The Motion Sick: Fan-Funded Business Models

Really interesting article discussing fan-investment based music models.  It’s quite an interesting idea.  Essentially, fans invest a small amount of money into a band so that they can record their next album.  When the album is recorded, the fans receive a copy of the album and a percentage of revenue from sales.  This both makes the participants feel as though they are part of the process and lifeline of the band and motivates them to promote the band to help sell more copies of the album.  Would a model like this lead to album sales sufficient to recoup costs and/or make money?  It doesn’t really matter, at least in the case of sellaband, as the investors at least receive a copy of the album, which is worth approximately the same as their investment.  If they make money, which they (at least theoretically) can, it’s just a bonus.  

Are these models that The Motion Sick should pursue?  …or should we just release music for free download as I had suggested in response to another article earlier this week and hope for revenue from publishing?  Which way provides the greatest value to fans?


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