The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library Sleepover Show Preview (plus proof that we hate freedom)!

As you are likely aware, I do have extensive spy training, much of it undertaken to resist information extraction using Sodium Pentothal®. However, after entering the sordid, bibliophilic world of the library, the combination of allergies from book dust and dreams of butterflies in the sky led me to talk under the pressure provided by the curators of the Sleepover Shows. They got all of the information they needed from me and more. Their sinister plot even led to me allowing the use of our music for torturing political prisoners. Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit.*

Here is a preview of what is to come. Moments to enjoy include our terribly failed attempt to make up a song on the spot about how we allow ourselves to be taken into the realm of the sleepover and then the Pentothalic acceptance of their sinister plot. Also, they have some really, really awesome sessions already posted, so after you watch this preview of our soon-to-be-released session (that actually involved no truth serums of any kind), check out their site:

*No animal slippers were harmed during the taping of this session.