Listen to Michael on Without Your Head 1/18 with Adrian Esposito, Bill Weeden and Lloyd Kaufman to talk about Special Needs Revolt!


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Michael Epstein joins Adrian Esposito, Bill Weeden and Lloyd Kaufman to talk about Special Needs Revolt!

Michael was on Without Your Head
Thursday January 18th at 9 PM EST / 6 PM PST talking about Special Needs Revolt

Call into the HEADLESS HOTLINE 1 (508) 413-3144 or Skype WithoutYourHead to talk to the guests or WYH Crew yourself for a chance to win FREE “Phantasm” and “Phantasm RaVager” DVDs!

Official Web Site – Facebook Page – Without Your Head Facebook Group – Past Shows

Listen Live at:
* Winamp, iTunes PLAY
* Windows Media Player PLAY
* Real Player PLAY
* QuickTime PLAY

Remeber our last visit to With Your Head!

Sophia and Michael on Without Your Head – archive now available!


And here’s a little something we made for Without Your Head!

Some previous interviews on YouTube