Sophia and Michael work on Laurel Vail’s great short film, What Metal Girls are Into

We had the great honor of having a small part in helping with Laurel Vail's excellent film, What Metal Girls are Into! We got to appear as extras in the metal concert scenes, but perhaps more importantly, we helped coordinate Laurel's collaboration with Catherine Capozzi (our frequent collaborator) on the score, which has won score awards at Women in Horror and was nominated at the Portland Comedy Film Festival.


WMGAI is now available on AMAZONPRIME! 


Sophia even wrote the lyrics for and sings on the closing credits eponymous track!


Women in Horror Month: Discovering WHAT METAL GIRLS ARE INTO With Laurel Vail

Women in Horror Month (WiHM) is an international, grassroots initiative, which encourages supporters to learn...

WIHFF 2018 Short Film Review: 'What Metal Girls Are Into' - PopHorror

Putting entitles assholes in their place, that's what 'What Metal Girls Are Into' in Laurel Vail's incredible 2017 short film. Read our thoughts here!

Laurel Vail Knows "What Metal Girls Are Into"

Short film making the festival circuit asks what metal girls are into; the answer might surprise you