Michael’s Stock Photo Model Adventures!

I've ended up as the subject of a stock photo a couple of times (one major one without signing a release, but probably not worth doing anything about it). For your amusement...

More Than Movember: The Critical State Of Men's Mental Health

75% of suicides in the West are male. Isn't it time we thought more creatively about solutions to this global health crisis?



11 Signs You Were Born and Raised in Austin, Texas

"Did you just see a guy dressed like a stripper version of the god Mercury running down Guadalupe? It must be a Tuesday."


Look How Far Corrective Lenses Have Come!

Can you imagine wearing glasses with lenses made of crystal? Your ancestors could.

10 Weird and Strange Laws That Actually Exist in U.S. - Virality Facts

Laws are promulgated to maintain order and justice in a certain community, nation and state. However, not all the laws that are being implemented today are actually keeping those objectives. There are some regulations that might be weird, yet they are being observed for years already.

The 15 Most Hipster Restaurants in Chicago, Ranked

You already know about the 15 most hipster bars in the city, but hipsters gotta eat too, don't they? (Seriously, DO THEY EAT???) The answer to that question is a resounding yes, especially if you visit these 15 restaurants full of mustaches, flannel, and nothing but contempt for you if you didn't know about these places already.