The Motion Sick: Help A Reporter Out

I am a regular reader of the Help A Reporter Out mailing list –

It’s a two-to-three times a day list of calls from journalists seeking people to interview for articles on an endless variety of topics.  Even though I seldom respond to any of the call (there’s not too many calls for Dance Dance Revolution players or snarky indie rockers), I find it interesting even just reading the topics of articles being written.

Here’s a randomly selected example:

Summary: Why do men pay for dates?
Category: General
Title: Author
Media Outlet/Publication: Random House
Anonymous? Yes – (If Anonymous, emails will be sent to XXXXXXX and then they will be forwarded. Responses might not
be as immediate.)
Specific Geographic Region? No
Deadline: 6:00 PM EASTERN – September 27
“I’m looking for stories from men and women about the age-old
question of why, in a day when women make good money, there’s an
unwritten code that men should still pay for dates. Why? Has this
“rule” ever caused problems for your dating life? I’m looking for
men’s and women’s stories, to be included anonymously in a book for
Random House. Thanks!”


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