TEN is a staff pick at Big Star movies and is now available for streaming to Big Star subscribers

TEN is now available for streaming by Big Star Movies Subscribers! (Also available on other platforms: http://tenthemovie.com/seeten.html )

Their review ( http://www.bigstar.tv/movie/ten-2014 ):
“…If you are a die-hard, grindhouse, blood and gore fanatic, this film will be right up your dark alley, trust me! The women begin dropping off one by one in true haunted house style. There is an unforgettable creepiness that may haunt me for weeks to come as everything is centered around the symbolic pig, Yes viewers, I am talking about pig heads, pig charms, porcelain pigs and even pig songs! Sound freaky enough for some of you? Well then, “Ten” is the Friday horror for tonight!”




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