We’re very pleased to introduce you to all of our Blood of the Tribades cast (film web site)!
Irina Peligrad as Nephite Geraldine

What excites you the most about BOTT: The magnitude of creativity and talent among that cast and crew is mind blowing! What an amazing group of people! But I was hooked from the minute I saw the script…I couldn’t put it down, which has never happened to me with a script before. And of course, vampires! I’m Romanian, so it’s in my blood…and the blood is the life after-all.
What scares you the most: I have an irrational fear of being skinned alive. But any sort of dismemberment is a close second.
Who is your favorite vampire (and why): Spike (of Buffy fame). He’s bad-ass, sexy, but also goofy which melts my heart (among other parts).
Where you can find Irina:
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2383567
48 hour films: