Michael co-authors book, How to Talk to People with Hearing Loss: what you can do to communicate better and why it really works

How to Talk to People with Hearing Loss: what you can do to communicate better and why it really works

by Mary FlorentineJulia B. FlorentineMichael J. Epstein


The purpose of this book is to tell you what people with hearing loss find useful from their communication partners, so that you can be a better communicator. Sometimes, you might find that people with hearing loss shut down when you try to talk to them, or they might react badly to your efforts to communicate. To avoid this, it helps to understand how people with hearing loss actually hear. Because we often make wrong assumptions about how they hear, we start by dispelling myths and answering common questions. Then we explain how you can communicate most effectively.

"This guide is wonderful! It has already made a difference in my communication with my husband. It captivated my attention, was informative, provided "aha" moments, and the humor sprinkled throughout was delightful." Jane Scott, nurse

“…informative … a pleasure to read … of great value … clear, concise, and well targeted to a lay audience.” Charles Kerr

"This book saved my marriage!" Anonymous wife of a man with hearing loss

How to Talk to People with Hearing Loss

I was recently contacted by Julia Florentine who has just published a book with her mum and her colleague. The book is for friends and family of people with hearing loss on how to communicate effectively and is entitled "How to Talk to People with Hearing Loss".


How to Communicate Better, and More Compassionately, With People With Hearing Loss - Hearing Health Foundation

Some words are more difficult to hear than others. When a person with hearing loss misses a word, they often ask the speaker to repeat what they said. Most people will repeat the word that the person did not hear the first time.

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