We’re very pleased to introduce you to all of our Blood of the Tribades cast (film web site) over the next few weeks. The film is currently raising money for production on Kickstarter.

Wiley as Esau
What excites me the most about BotT: I am excited to be a naked vampire in a movie, I have definitely never done that before.
What scares me the most: I’m terrified of bad driving. Taking buses in most other countries terrifies me and causes me to sweat profusely. Normally I am not particularly sweaty.
Favorite vampire: Probably David Bowie’s character John Blaylock in The Hunger, because it’s David Bowie being a vampire. A close second would be the naked alien space vampire in Lifeforce.
Anything else you’d like to add: I love kitties.
Where can you find Wiley:
I own a small vintage store in Somerville, High Energy Vintage.