“The Unnaturals” short story published in the anthology Dystopian Express by Hydra Publications


My short Story, “The Unnaturals” has been published in Hydra Publications‘ anthology Dystopian Express!

It is a prose rewrite of the opening segment of a screenplay that we are writing/developing. In it, I tell the story of citizen Serug 99 as he goes for his weekly “confession” at church, a process that involves uploading all of the week’s memories for review by the priest.

Our working synopsis of the film, which we hope to someday get a chance to make:
In a bleak, dystopian society where religion, government, and media have merged, a law-enforcement unit is tasked with hunting down “unnatural” citizens to maintain the full conformity and unity of the citizenry.

The book is for sale as an ebook on Amazon, and a physical book will be available in the next week or so as well. Buy it. Read it. Do it.

I originally met many of the fine folks involved with this at The Imaginarium Convention, which was a great gathering! Check it out! 

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