Sophia and Michael to present Filmmaking for Nerds: How you can create your own movie at Vienna Nerd Institute in MuseumsQuartier Vienna

Filmmaking for nerds

Event in Wien by Vienna Nerd Institute on Wednesday, November 15 2017


The premise was that we'd help the attendees write, shoot, and edit a film in 3 hours. We expected to just shoot a scene with maybe two people sitting and talking at a table or something. But, as it's the Nerd Institute, the class decided they wanted to do a time-travel movie with special effects. Sophia and I were skeptical that we could get it done, but disinclined to shoot down their ideas. Lo and behold, we shot and edited a rough cut (which I spent another hour or so cleaning up) in 3 hours. Here it is!

All the Time from Launch Over - Cacciola / Epstein on Vimeo.


PDF of the original script written by the group in about 20 minutes!


How you can create your own movie.
A workshop with award-winning filmmakers Michael Epstein and Sophia Cacciola from LA (in English language).

We would also be happy to hear in advance about your specific interests in terms of areas for greatest focus for this workshop.

Sophia Cacciola and Michael J. Epstein are Los Angeles, USA-based directors, actors, writers, musicians, and producers known primarily for low-budget horror and sci-fi feature films layered with modern sociopolitical commentary.

Der Kurs findet im Museumsquartier Wien im Raum D statt und dauert von 18.00-21.00 Uhr. Der Unkostenbeitrag beträgt pro Person 35,- Euro (inkl. Materialkosten).

Anmeldung bis zum 12.11.2017 per email an Die TeilnehmerInnenzahl ist auf 12 Personen begrenzt.

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