The Women of Rock Oral History Project launch party was a grand, sold-out success!
Excellent, thought-provoking panels given by:
Press Roundup
L.A.'s Female Punk Pioneers Are Writing Themselves Into Rock History
A Frogtown party will raise funds for the Women of Rock Oral History Project
Women Will Rock at Women of Rock Tonight
Ever since rock began, it has been kind of like a little boy's fort with a big NO WOMEN ALLOWED sign (Written in adorable crooked letters, which is probably the only time misogyny has ever be...
The Women of Rock Oral History Project Aims to Rewrite History
When I think about rock & roll as a whole, the artists who first come to mind are Robert Plant, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Page, John Lennon, Keith Moon, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Iggy Pop, Slash, etc., etc. The list goes on forever.
Women of Rock Oral History Project Launch: Panels
Written by Lucretia Tye Jasmine for The Los Angeles Beat Party with a purpose! Thursday night at Zebulon in Silver Lake launched the Women of Rock Oral History Project fundraising events, with a pu...
The Women of Rock Oral History Project is a collection of digital interviews and written transcripts housed at the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College, documenting the lives and careers of women in rock music, focusing primarily on artists who have been left out of the popular rock narrative. The Women of Rock Oral History Project has been made possible, in part, by the Helen Gurley Brown Magic Grant (2016) and the Rebecca Samay Rosenthal Memorial Fellowship (2015). The project is otherwise self-funded and sustained entirely by volunteer labor. This labor includes travel, video recording and editing, transcribing, grant writing, event organization and promotion, and publicity. You can view the list of volunteers here.