Blood of the Tribades Cast Announcement: Porcelain Dalya as Akantha

We’re very pleased to introduce you to all of our Blood of the Tribades cast (film web site) over the next few weeks. The film is currently raising money for production on Kickstarter.

Blood of the Tribades and the The Blood is the Life documentary about the making of the film are available now on various platforms (streaming free on Amazon Prime).

Porcelain Dalya as Akantha

About Dalya: Porcelain Dalya was born in a hospital at a very young age. Adopted by mermaids and clowns, she wanted to grow up to be a bearded lady. Sadly, due to a chemical spill into the ocean, that will not happen. Instead, she went into dance and acting. Bring your fishing gear and catch Dalya in TEN (Available on: Amazon, VOD, and more!)

What excites me the most about BotT: I’m excited to see the world that gets created by MJE & Sophia!

What scares me the most: I’m a total scaredy cat with horror movies-so, all of it! 🙂

Favorite vampire: Marceline the Vampire Queen!!! (from Adventure Time) She’s a chick rocker who eats red things & is in love with a pink lady. She’s 1000 years old, but doesn’t look over a day over 18.

Anything else you’d like to add:  I’m really excited to be a part of my second Launch Over film!

Where can you find Dalya:

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