Sophia’s Rock Beat: 04/06/2012 – The Rumble Night 5

The 33rd Rock ‘n’ Roll Rumble at TT the Bears, ANOTHER NIGHT ANOTHER DREAM BUT ALWAYS YOU. It’s getting to the point where we all feel like we’ve moved in to TTs and we’re never going to leave again, and we’re all totally okay with it because night after night we’re treated to good rock ‘n’ roll and even better friends. Congrats to Bow Thayer and Perfect Trainwreck on last night’s the win!

Pray for Polanski (PfP video 2, PfP video 3)

Brownboot (BB video 2)

Bow Thayer and Perfect Trainwreck -who had the coolest electric banjo ever -(video 2, video 3)

The Bynars (Byn video 2, Byn video 3) here’s their cover of Bruce Springsteen’s “Dancing in the Dark” (on their set-list, it just said “BRUCE”)

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