While napping after a particularly hearty meal of grapes, Balloononians Admiral Sophia (Sophia Cacciola), Science Officer Michael (Michael J. Epstein), and Navigator Joe (Joe Kowan) drifted a bit too far off course in their balloon spaceship. Now they wander the galaxy in search of their home planet Balloononia while spreading the customs and culinary interests of their society in song.
e-mail: mje@michaeljepstein.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/spaceballoons
Link to buy physical CD of Welcome to Balloononia! |
Welcome to Balloononia by Space Balloons was officially released today! Which means you can find it anywhere and everywhere online!
While napping after a
particularly hearty meal of grapes, Balloononians
Admiral Sophia (Sophia Cacciola), Navigator Joe (Joe Kowan/J-Krafty) and Science Officer Mike (Michael J. Epstein) drifted a bit too far off course in their balloon spaceship. Now they wander the galaxy in search of their home planet Balloononia while spreading the customs and culinary interests of their society in song.
particularly hearty meal of grapes, Balloononians
Admiral Sophia (Sophia Cacciola), Navigator Joe (Joe Kowan/J-Krafty) and Science Officer Mike (Michael J. Epstein) drifted a bit too far off course in their balloon spaceship. Now they wander the galaxy in search of their home planet Balloononia while spreading the customs and culinary interests of their society in song.
Space Balloons’ debut Welcome to Balloononia features 13 tales of Balloononian life, culture, and cuisine.