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Microfunding is the Future of Labels! (…but Kickstarter is [at least mostly] the wrong model for bands)

I am delighted to say that this article has been picked up by Music Think Tank: http://www.musicthinktank.com/blog/microfunding-is-the-future-of-labels-but-kickstarter-is-the.htmlKickstarter/MicrofundingBy now we’ve all at least heard about Kickstarter.  Many of us have helped to fund projects.  I’ve supported  5 or 6 myself.  The best … Read More

The Motion Sick: Mailing List Update 4-30-09-The Motion Sick Declared Best Boston Rock Band 2009 – See Us Saturday at TT’s with illegal Iranian Rock Band – Free Music

The Motion Sick has been declared “Best Local Rock Band 2009” in the Boston Phoenix: http://thephoenix.com/theBest/Boston/Arts/Localrockband/. This is a great honor to us and we thank everyone who put in a good word at the polls. —-Our pals in the … Read More

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